Mumble Research Group - Publications 

Carola Barbero



Quel brivido nella schiena. I linguaggi della letteratura, Bologna, Il Mulino.


“What is Existence? A Matter of Co(n)text” (with F. Domaneschi, I. Enrici, A. Voltolini), Acta Analytica,

“Le restituzioni dell’arte”, Rivista di estetica | I Quaderni. Le arti contemporanee, n. 1, pp. 109-125. 


“Notes on Reading”, Croatian Journal of Philosophy, XXII, n. 65, pp. 267-285.


“Fare giochi con le parole”, in Un burattino nella rete, Bologna, Marietti 1820, pp. 5-20.

“Some Remarks on Eco’s Confession and His Mystical Raptus”, Rivista di Estetica, n. 76, pp. 129-145.



“Fiction and Imagination” (with M. Plebani, A. Voltolini), Argumenta, n. 6, 1, pp. 9-15.

“Immaginazione e finzione”, in L. V. Distaso, A. Donise, E. Massimilla (eds.) Immagine e immaginazione, Napoli, Federico II University Press, pp. 169-185.

"Capire a/la distanza”, in A. Carrieri, A. Dall’Igna, E. Sferrazza Papa (eds.), Filosofia - Distanza, anno LXV, Numero speciale, pp. 15-23.

“Imageability effect on the functional brain activity during a naming to definition task” (with F. Garbarini, F. Calzavarini, M. Diano, M. Biggio, D.P. Radicioni, G. Geminiani, K. Sacco, D. Marconi), Neuropsychologia, 137, 107275.



La porta della fantasia, Bologna, Il Mulino.


“First Variation. Philosophy and Literature: A Hypothetical Comparison Between Different Approaches”, Rivista di Estetica, n. 70, pp. 3-10.

“Grief and the Power of the Mind”, in T. Andina and E. Onnis (eds.), The Philosophy and Art of Wang Guangy, London/New York/Oxford/Sidney/New Delhy, Bloomsbury, pp. 171-180.

"Gatsby, ossia dell'amore" in F.S. Fitzgerald, Il grande Gatsby, Bologna, Marietti 1820, pp. 189-200.



(with S. Caputo), Significato. Dalla filosofia analitica alle scienze cognitive, Roma, Carocci.


​“Can Food Be Art?” (with T. Andina), The Monist, n. 101, pp. 353-361.

Marta Benenti

(2024) “Not So Blue to be Sad: Affective Affordances and Expressive Properties in Affective Regulation” (with Marta Caravà), Topoi, 1-12.

(2024) “Aprendiendo a apreciar: aprendizaje perceptivo y discurso crítico” (with Matilde Carrasco Barranco) in: Piñero Moral, Ricardo, Cascales Tornel, Raquel. Cuidado con la estética. Reflexiones entre el arte y la vida. Dykinson

(2024) “Thought Experiments and the (Fictional) Exploration of Outer Space” In: Outer Space and Humanity: Exploration and Debate for the Coming Space Age, Routledge (eds. Mirko Garasič and Marcello di Paola) pp. 76-86

(2023) “Climate Change, Philosophy, and Fiction” (with Lisa Giombini), In: Handbook on the philosophy of climate change, Springer, (eds. Marcello di Paola and Gianfranco Pellegrino) ISBN: 9783030169602, ISSN: 2524-437X.

(2023) “Expressiveness", International Lexicon of Aesthetics,, DOI: 10.7413/18258630134. 

(2021) “The Aesthetics of Cultural Tourism. Authenticity, Engagement, and the Everyday”, Popular Enquiry, (with Lisa Giombini). vol. 2, p. 5-21, ISSN: 2489-6748.

Davide Bordini


- Bordini, D., A. Dewalque, A. Giustina. Consciousness and Inner Awareness. Under contract with Cambridge University Press.

Articles and chapters

- Bordini, D. (Forthcoming). “Something about the Question of Aboutness. Comments on Crane.” Australasian Philosophical Review, issue on Ontology and Intentionality (issue editor: Raamy Majeed; target article: “On the Explanation of Intentionality” Tim Crane)


- Bordini, D. (2023). “Seeing through Transparency.” In U. Kriegel (ed.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind: Volume 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

- Bordini, D. & G. Torrengo (2023). “Fear of the Past.” Ergo, 9: 13.


- Bordini, D. (2022). “The Taste(s) of a Recipe.” In A. Borghini and P. Engisch (eds.), The Philosophy of Recipes. Making, Experiencing, and Valuing. London: Bloomsbury.

- Bordini, D. & G. Torrengo (2022). “Frightening Times.” European Journal of Philosophy, 30(1): 293-306.

- Bordini, D. (2022). “Mente.” In E. Paganini (ed.), Il Primo Libro di Filosofia del Linguaggio e della Mente. Torino: Einaudi.

- Bordini, D. (2022). “Funzionalismo.” In E. Paganini (ed.), Il Primo Libro di Filosofia del Linguaggio e della Mente. Torino: Einaudi.

- Bordini, D. (2022). “Computazionalismo.” In E. Paganini (ed.), Il Primo Libro di Filosofia del Linguaggio e della Mente. Torino: Einaudi. 

Elisa Caldarola


Che cos'è l'estetica analitica?, Carocci, Roma-Bari (forthcoming).

“On Depictive Abstract Pictures”, in Chiara Ambrosio e Julia Sanchez Dorado (eds.), Abstraction in Science and Art, London, Routledge (forthcoming).

“Preserving forms of agency through architectural reconstruction: the case of Berlin’s Neues Museum”, in Lisa Giombini e Zoltan Somhegyi (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Architectural Reconstruction, London, Routledge.


“Martin Creed: Conceptual Art and More” in Davide Dal Sasso ed Elisabeth Schellekens (eds.), Aesthetics, Philosophy and Martin Creed,  London, Bloomsbury.

“Katharina Grosse’s It Wasn’t Us”, in Darren Hudson Hick (ed.), Bloomsbury Contemporary Aesthetics, online publication, London, Bloomsbury.


“Architecture and sites: a lesson from the categorization of artworks”, Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 21(1).

“On Tags and Conceptual Street Art”, Philosophical Inquiries, 9(2).

“Improvisation in installation art”, in Alessandro Bertinetto and Marcello Ruta (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Improvisation in The Arts, London, Routledge.


“On Experiencing Installation Art”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 78(3).

“Methodology in The Ontology of Artworks: Exploring Hermeneutic Fictionalism” in Concha Martinez Vidal and José Luis Falguera Lopez (eds.),  Abstract Objects: For and Against, Berlin, Springer.

Filosofia dell’arte contemporanea: installazioni, siti, oggetti, Quodlibet, Macerata. 

Fabrizio Calzavarini


"Comprensione e cervello", in D. Marconi (ed.), "Comprensione del linguaggio", Sistemi intelligenti, forthcoming.

"Rethinking modality-specificity in the cognitive neuroscience of concrete word meaning: a position paper", Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, [Target paper for commentaries],  doi/full/10.1080/23273798.2023.2173789

(with Alberto Voltolini), “The Different Bases of the Meaning and of the Seeing-in Experiences”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2023,


"The empirical status of semantic perceptualism", Mind & Language,  doi 10.1111/mila.12444

(with Fabrizio Elia et al.), "A nudge intervention to improve hand hygiene compliance in the hospital", Internal and Emergency Medicine, 17(7), pp. 1899–1905

(with Alberto Voltolini, “Perception of Faces and Other Progressively Higher‑Order Properties”, Topoi (2022),

(with Gustavo Cevolani), "Abductive reasoning in cognitive neuroscience: weak and strong reverse inference", Synthese, 200(2), 70

(with Davide Coraci, Gustavo Cevolani) "Reverse Inference, Abduction, and Probability in Cognitive Neuroscience", in L. Magnani (ed.), Hanbook of Abductive Cognition, Springer,


(with A. Paternoster) "The Semantic View of Computation and the Argument from the Cognitive Science Practice", Synthese, online first.

(with A. Voltolini) "Supramodal Pictorial Competence", in A. Mroczko-Wasowicz, Sensory Individuals, Oxford University Press.

"The Conceptual Format Debate and the Challenge from (Global) Supramodality", The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science", online first.

(with F. Elia, V. Crupi, F. Aprà) "Decisions, Heuristics, and Nudges in Medical Decision Making" (in Italian), Sistemi Intelligenti, 1/2021, pp. 73-88.    

(with A. Pinna Pintor, A. Paternoster) "What Does it Mean that Computation is Content-Involving", Paradigmi.



Neural Mechanisms. New Challenges in the Philosophy of Neuroscience, co-editor (with M. Viola), Springer Nature, Berlin-New York.

Comprendere il linguaggio (with A. Paternoster), Il Mulino, Bologna.

Brain and the Lexicon, Springer Nature, Berlin-New York.


(con A. Voltolini) “La comprensione pittorica è sovramodale?”, Sistemi intelligenti 32 (2020), 515-532.

“Imageability effect on the functional brain activity during a naming to definition task” (with F. Garbarini, M. Diano, M. Biggio, C. Barbero, D.P. Radicioni, G. Geminiani, K. Sacco, D. Marconi), Neuropsychologia, 137, 107275.

"La modellizzazione computazionale della competenza inferenziale e della competenza referenziale" (with A. Lieto), Sistemi Intelligenti, doi: DOI: 10.1422/96325


"Inferential processing with concrete vs. abstract words and visual cortex". In Bolognesi M, Steen GJ (eds.), Perspectives on Abstract Concepts: Cognition, language and communication. Series "Human Cognitive Processing", vol. 56, Idoi:

"The Empirical Status of the Pictorial View of Meaning", Journal of Consciousness Studies, 26, 33-59.

"Truth-Conditional Cognitivism and the Lexical Problem", Topoi, ISSN: 0167-7411, doi:


"Inferential and referential lexical semantic competence: A critical review of the supporting evidence", Journal of Neurolinguistics, 44, 163-189.

"Eliminativismo semantico e competenza lessicale", Rivista di Estetica, 67, ISSN: 0035-6212, doi:

 "La distinzione tra competenza inferenziale e referenziale: aspetti critici e nuove linee di ricerca", Sistemi Intelligenti, 1, 59-82,

"Teoria dei sistemi intenzionali e razionalita`", Rivista di Filosofia, 3, p. 355-382,

"Un dialogo tra neuroscienze e filosofia" (with M. Viola), Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, 9, doi:

"Understanding and improving decisions in clinical medicine (IV): prospects and challenges of nudging in healthcare", Internal and Emergency Medicine, 13, ISSN: 1828-0447, doi: DOI:10.1007/s11739-018-1793-2. 

Daniele Cassaghi

Cassaghi, D. (2022), I don't feel like that: the phenomenology-free theory of moods, Argumenta, 1-18

Torrengo, G. and Cassaghi, D. (2022), Flow and presentness in experience, Analytic Philosophy, 65, 2, 109-130

Torrengo, G. and Cassaghi, D. (2021), The ways of presentness, Erkenntnis, 88, 2787–2805

Cassaghi, D (2020), Percezione Temporale, Aphex, 22, p.36

Elvira Di Bona

(Selected publications)


“Sounds,” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. E. N. Zalta, URL = (with Casati R. and J. Dokic).

“On Hearing Meanings: Reflections on the Method of Contrast, Adaptational Effects, and Semantic Satiation”, Rivista di Filosofia, vol. CXI (2), 215-235.

“Music Is Not Even Language-Like: Analyzing Kivy’s View on Music and Language”, Philosophical Inquiries, vol. VIII (2), 71-84.


“Sounds and Auditory Perception”. In: D. Pritchard eds., Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy Series, New York: Oxford University Press, 1-12.

“Why Space Matters to an Understanding of Sound”. In: T. Cheng, O. Deroy and C. Spence, eds., Spatial Senses: Philosophy of Perception in an Age of Science. New York: Routledge, 108-124.

“Emotional Accounts of Musical Experience and Musical Object. On the Relationship between Music and Emotion”. In: P. Gouk, J. Kennaway, J. Prins and W. Thormählen, eds., Routledge Companion to Music, Mind and Wellbeing: Historical and Scientific Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 165-178.


“A Comparison between Musical and Ordinary Auditory Scene Analysis”, Sistemi Intelligenti, 3, 527-542.


“Towards a Rich View of Auditory Experience,” Philosophical Studies, 174 (11), 2629-2643.


“The Ockhamization of the Event Sources of Sounds,” Analysis, 73 (3), 462-466 (with R. Casati and J. Dokic).

Giulia Martina

- Smelling things (with Matt Nudds), Philosophical Quarterly, online first, 2024.

- Lessons from blur, Erkenntnis, online first, 2023.

- Smell identification and the role of labels, Philosophical Psychology, online first, 2023.

- How we talk about smells, Mind & Language 38 (4), 1041-1058, 2023.

- Phenomenally-grounded intentionality for naïve realists, Phenomenology and Mind, 22, 138-148, 2022.

- Contextual variation and objectivity in olfactory perception, Synthese, 199, 12045-12071, 2021.

Don Oxtoby

Oxtoby, D. “Embodiment in the History of Depth Perception.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies. Vol. 10. 2020. Pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.25364/24.10:2020.1.1

Agostino Pinna Pintor


What Does it Mean that Computation is Content-Involving?,  Paradigmi, Rivista di critica filosofica, 2/2023, 281-300 (with F. Calzavarini & A. Paternoster).


La competenza referenziale per termini di sensazione ed emozione. Una proposta duale, Sistemi Intelligenti, 2/2020, 335 - 351.


"Due (o tre) sfide all’approccio multidimensionale", comment on Caterina Villani, “L’Embodied Cognition e la sfida dei concetti astratti. Un approccio multidimensionale”,  Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, vol. IX, n. 3, 2018, pp. 254-259.  

Matteo Plebani


 Plebani, Matteo and San Mauro, Luca. "Computability theory as a philosophical achievement" Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), vol. 60, no. 12, 2022, pp. 1862-1866.

 Plebani, M., Lubrano, M. Parts of Structures. Philosophia 50, 1277–1285 (2022).

 Plebani, Matteo ; Rosella, Giuliano & Saitta, Vita (2022). Truthmakers, Incompatibility, and Modality. Australasian Journal of Logic 19 (5):214–253.


 Plebani, M., San Mauro, L. and Venturi, G. (2021), Thin Objects Are Not Transparent. Theoria.

 Plebani, Matteo. Wittgenstein and the philosophical significance of not solving the paradoxes. Philosophical Inquiries 9.2 (2021): 37-48.

 Matteo Plebani, Giuseppe Spolaore, Subject Matter: A Modest Proposal, The Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 71, Issue 3, July 2021, Pages 605–622,

 Plebani, M. Why Aboutness Matters: Meta-Fictionalism as a Case Study. Philosophia 49, 1177–1186 (2021).



"Recent Debates over the Existence of Abstract Objects: An Overview". In: Falguera J., Martínez-Vidal C. (eds) Abstract Objects. Synthese Library (Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science), vol 422. Springer, Cham

"Mathematical platonism meets ontological pluralism?", Inquiry, 63:6, 655-673, DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2017.1347518

(With Giuseppe Spolaore) (2020), "Subject Matter: A Modest Proposal", The Philosophical Quarterly, , pqaa054,

"Why Aboutness Matters: Meta-Fictionalism as a Case Study". Philosophia (2020).



(With F. Berto) Logica con i social network, Carocci, Roma


(With F. Berto) "Ontologia, metaontologia, e il fantasma di Quine", Giornale di Metafisica, 2019/1, 180-194.



"Fictionalism versus deflationism: a new look". Philosophical Studies 175(2), 301–316 (2018).

"The indispensability argument and the nature of mathematical objects". Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 33 (2):249-263.

"Sosein as Subject Matter". Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):77-94.



"Non‐Factualism Versus Nominalism". Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3).



"Nominalistic content, grounding, and covering generalizations: Reply to ‘Grounding and the indispensability argument’". Synthese 193 (2):549-558.



(Con F. Berto) Ontology and Metaontology. A Contemporary Guide. Bloomsbury Academic. 

Andrea Tortoreto



"Intentionality and Dualism: Does the Idea that Intentionality Is the MOM Necessarily Entail Dualism?", Phenomenology and Mind, vol. 22, pp. 82-91, ISSN:2239-4028, doi: 10.17454/pam-2206.

"Rorty deflazionista", European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, vol. 14, p. 1-21, ISSN: 2036-4091, doi: 10.4000/ejpap.2874.

"Il mentale nel primo Rorty", in AA. VV., Marchetti, G. (a cura di), La filosofia di Rorty. Epistemologia, etica e politica, Mimesis, Milano 2022, pp. 85-101, ISBN: 9788857584997.

"L'immagine cospirazionista del mondo", Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, SFL Special Issue 2021, pp. 329-340, ISSN: 2036-6728, doi: 10.4396/SFL2021A31.



"La tesi di Brentano e le sue influenze nel pensiero analitico", Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica, (forthcoming).



W. Sellars, "Naturalismo e ontologia", traduzione, introduzione e note a cura di A. Tortoreto, Milano, Mimesis.

Filosofia della fantascienza, Milano, Mimesis.



"L'ontologia linguistica di Sellars", Epekeina, vol. 8, p. 1-16.

"Sellars interprete di Kant", Idee, vol. 12-13, p. 147-161. 

Alberto Voltolini


(with Fabrizio Calzavarini) “The Different Bases of the Meaning and of the Seeing-in Experiences”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2023,

“The Limits of Nonsense”, Paradigmi 41 (2023), 185-192.

(with Carola Barbero, Filippo Domaneschi and Ivan Enrici) “What Is Existence? A Matter of Co(n)text”, Acta Analytica 2023,

“Perceiving Aesthetic Properties”, British Journal of Aesthetics, doi: 10.1093/aesthj/ayac039


“Troubles with Phenomenal Intentionality”, Erkenntnis 87 (2022), 237–256.

“Fictional Reference: How to Account for Both Directedness and Uniformity”, British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (2022), 291–305.

“If Intentional Objects Are Objects for a Subject, How Are They Related?”, Philosophical Psychology 35 (2022), 1136-1151.

(with Fabrizio Calzavarini) “Perception of Faces and Other Progressively Higher‑Order Properties”, Topoi (2022),

“Possibilia, Qualia, and Sensibilia”, Revista de Filosofia Aurora 63 (2022), 34-50.

“The Eye and the Visual Field: Much Ado About Nothing?”, Disputatio 11 (2022).


“Beliefs, Make‑beliefs, and Making Believe that Beliefs Are Not Make‑beliefs”, Synthese Synthese 199 (2021), 5061–5078.

“Real Authors and Fictional Agents (Fictional Narrators, Fictional Authors)”, Organon F 28 (2021), 60-75.

“What We Can Learn from Literary Authors”, Acta Analytica 36 (2021), 479-499.

“Pictorial Misrepresentation without Figurative Mispresentation”, Studi di estetica 49 (2021), 117-132.

“Seeing in Mirrors”, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2021), 315-327.

“A Contextualist Treatment of Negative Existentials”, Intercultural Pragmatics 21 (2021). 415–424.

“The Nothingness of the Nothing”, Eternity and Contradiction 3 (2021), 182-196.

“Intentionality in the Tractatus”, Disputatio 10 (2021)


“I See Not Only a Madonna, But Also a Hole, in the Picture”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (2020) 224–239.

“Different Kinds of Fusion Experiences”, Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2020), 203–222.

“The Singularity of Experiences and Thoughts”, Topoi 39 (2020), 459–473.

“Real Individuals in Fictions, Fictional Surrogates in Stories”, Philosophia 48 (2020), 803-820.

“Yet Another Theory of the Metaphysical Difference between Genuine Perceptions and Hallucinations”, Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (2020), 245-270.

“How to Vindicate (Fictional) Creationism” in: Falguera J., Martínez-Vidal C. (eds.) Abstract Objects. Springer, Cham 2020, 277-294.

“Against Mythical Backward-Looking Creationism”, Inquiry (2020), DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2020.1767198.

“Why the Mark of the Dispositional Is Not the Mark of the Intentional”, The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind, and the Arts 1 (2020), 19-32.

“Cognitive Penetrability and Late Vision”, Rivista internazionale di filosofia e psicologia 11 (2020), 381-390.

Qua Seeing-in, Pictorial Experience is a Superstrongly Cognitively Penetrated Perception”, Studies on Art and Architecture 29 (2020), 13-30.

(con F. Calzavarini) “La comprensione pittorica è sovramodale?”, Sistemi intelligenti 32 (2020), 515-532.


(with F. Kroon) “Language, Ontology, Fiction”, in B. Stocker and M. Mack (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Literature, Palgrave, Basingstoke 2018, 385-406.

“Varieties of Fiction Operators”, in A. Capone et al. (eds.), Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 2 Theories and Applications, Springer, Dordrecht 2019, 199-210.

“A Syncretistic View of Existence and Marty’s Relation to It”, in G. Bacigalupo and H. Leblanc (eds.), Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy, Palgrave, Basingstoke 2019, 175-196.

“Fiction” (with Fred Kroon), in E. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,, November 12, 2019.

“Intorno alle supercazzole”, Studi di estetica 47 (2019), 226-232.



co-editor (with J. Pelletier) of The Pleasure of Pictures. Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation (with an “Introduction”, 1-18), Routledge, London and New York


“How Demonstrative Complex Pictorial Reference Grounds Contextualism”, in A. Capone et al. (eds.), Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy Part 1, Springer, Dordrecht 2018, 137-149.

“Twofoldness and Three-Layeredness in Pictorial Representation”, Estetika 55 (2018), 89-111.

“Ontological Syncretistic Noneism”, Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2018), 124-138.

“Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation: Wollheim Reassessed and Vindicated”, in J. Pellettier and A. Voltolini (eds.), The Pleasure of Pictures. Pictorial Experience and Aesthetic Appreciation, Routledge. London and New York 2018, 73-90.

“Can One Refer to and Quantify Over Nonexistent Objects of Hallucination?” in P. Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, Peter Lang, Berlin 2018, 97-115.

“Visually-Based Knowingly Illusory Experience and Picture Display”, Phenomenology and Mind 14 (2018), 158-168.

“Fictional Entites” (with Fred Kroon), in E. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,, November 6, 2018.

“L’esperienza percettiva è una percezione penetrata cognitivamente in modo superforte”, Sistemi intelligenti 30 (2018), 485-501.

“Autori reali, agenti fittizi (narratori fittizi, autori fittizi)”, Between 9 (2018), 1-12, https//www/betweenjournal/it/.